September 1, 2010

Workload Regularity Scores

If you subscribe to Bill James Online and read his latest article, The Longing, you are familiar with Workload Regularity Scores (WRS). I’ve now included these in the Day by Day Database pitching logs. I’ve adopted the convention that the first game of the season (or of the time period selected) does not generate a regularity score, and is not included in the calculation of the WRS percentage. These number likely make the best sense when examined over a full season or career.

Here’s an example of an regular pitcher. (I give Johan two more points than James. One of use has a bug in our program.) Here’s an example of a less regular pitcher. Let me know what you think, or if you see an error in the calculation.

2 thoughts on “Workload Regularity Scores

  1. David Pinto Post author

    @Paul: There’s a calculation based on days rest, and a calculation based on batters faced. Since the details are behind a pay wall at Bill James Online, I’m not sure I should let out the specific calculation.


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