May 31, 2004

History Repeating

Those of you who don’t read the Boston Red Sox fan web sites on a daily basis may not be aware of what seems to be a repeat of the 1982 battle for third base in Boston. Carney Lansford won the AL batting title playing third for the Red Sox in 1981. The next year, he broke his ankle, and walk machine Wade Boggs started playing regularly. Boggs was so much obviously better than Lansford that Carney was traded at the end of the regular season for Tony Armas. There were clear advantages in keeping Boggs over Lansford; Boggs walked more, he was left-handed, and he was a year younger. Lansford was a good hitter for the A’s. Boggs was a great hitter for Boston.
Now the Red Sox are faced with an injured Bill Mueller, and Kevin Youkilis playing very well. Things are not as cut and dried as they were with Boggs and Lansford. Yes, Youkilis walks a lot, but Mueller is no slouch in that department. Mueller has a .375 career OBA, an excellent number in any era. Mueller is a switch hitter, while Youkilis is a righty. Youkilis wins big in the age department, however, being eight years younger than Mueller.
It’s a good problem to have; good hitting third basemen are hard to come by. My guess is that, unlike 1982, Theo will find room for both on the roster.

5 thoughts on “History Repeating

  1. wilson

    Did I miss the obvious? The Sox should trade one of the 3B for Tony Armas JR! With Lowe living down to his talent, the Sox could use another starter.

  2. Randy Booth

    “It’s a good problem to have; good hitting third basemen are hard to come by. My guess is that, unlike 1982, Theo will find room for both on the roster.”
    Unlike 2003 too: Shea Hillenbrand and Bill Mueller. Hillenbrand was traded and it worked out really well, making Mueller the AL Batting Champion. Hopefully he doesn’t trade Mueller or Youkilis…

  3. Chris

    Useless trivia dept. I was at that game when Lansford broke his ankle – sliding into home if I remember correctly.

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