October 9, 2010

The MLB Glacier

Joe Maddon makes a good point about the pace of change in Major League Baseball:

“There was a time I used a computer in the 1990s and people looked at me as if I had two heads for using a computer at this time. And you look at the information going on, all the data prior to each game, each series, it is incredible. And hard-liners, old-school guys that frowned upon that stuff in the early ’90s are using it quite frequently and to their advantage. So my belief is and a lot of times in our game we move at a glacier pace normally, and that’s just the way that baseball is.”

Maddon hopes there is some common ground reached this winter on the best way to implement instant replay that will satisfy all parties involved.

There is some hope MLB will move faster on this one. They were very slow to embrace both radio and television, yet those forms of media helped make the game more popular. MLB embraced the internet, however, which turned out to be a cash cow. I hope that success speeds them to a better replay system.

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