October 28, 2010

Guillen’s Absence

The New York Times reports on why Jose Guillen was kept off the Giants post-season roster:

Jose Guillen, the San Francisco Giants outfielder, was kept off the team’s postseason roster shortly after federal authorities informed Major League Baseball that he was tied to an investigation into shipments of performance-enhancing drugs, according to several lawyers briefed on the matter.

HGH was shipped to Guillen’s wife according to the story. San Francisco seems to be doing just fine without him as they are up 2-0 in the World Series.

2 thoughts on “Guillen’s Absence

  1. pft

    What authority does MLB have to tell a team what players to include on the roaster?. An investigation is not the same as being charged.
    If the Giants went along with it, this could mean there is a bigger story here.

    The fact there were multiple shipments makes me wonder if some players may also act as dealers. I remember the Manny Alexander incident while with the Red Sox where his car was found to contain PED’s and syringes far in excess of what one player would need personally. The car was driven by the Red Sox bat boy when it was searched.

    If Guillen was indeed in the dealer category, and I don’t know this, then this could be awkward, and some might use it to explain the SFG 2nd half tear.

  2. David Pinto Post author

    @pft: The problem with that is the second half tear was a pitching tear, not an offensive one. The Giants offense didn’t play that much better in the second half of the season than it did in the first half. The Giants scored 4.4 runs per game before the ASB, 4.1 runs per game after.


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