December 22, 2010

When is Someone Mature?

Andrew Gallo, the driver who killed Nick Adenhart and two others, is seeking leniency from the judge who will sentence him:

In court papers filed in Orange County Superior Court, attorney Jacqueline Goodman said her client, 24-year-old Andrew Gallo, was “not a monster” but was simply immature and the product of a broken home. She said his alcohol addiction led him to drink for hours with his stepbrother before blacking out and getting behind the wheel of the family’s minivan.

A person in their 20s should be mature enough to know the difference between right and wrong. Addiction is a terrible thing, and if someone wants to argue Gallo should be helped with his alcoholism more than hurt with a sentence, I would be sympathetic to that view. The maturity argument doesn’t sway me, however.

2 thoughts on “When is Someone Mature?

  1. Eva

    Dumbass was on probation for felony drunk driving at the time of the incident, according to the article, so he’d already gotten no doubt stern warnings about drunk driving.


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