December 23, 2010

Lighter Milliliter

CC Sabathia lost weight after knee surgery:

”I’m feeling good,” Sabathia said. ”I wasn’t really worried about the surgery because I had it before. It was just swelling up on me after starts during the year, just achy pain that affected me while I was pitching.”

Sabathia has lost 15 pounds from his 6-foot-7 frame through a tough offseason training program of cardiovascular workouts and weight training. His knee recovered in just less than a month after the procedure, so he is well into his full exercise program and playing light catch.

He hopes to lose an additional 15 pounds before the season starts.

”I’m turning 30 this year, getting a little older,” he said, chuckling. ”Hopefully it will take some pressure off my knee and extend my career.”

We’ll see how long the weight loss lasts, but I suspect the exercise program will help Sabathia maintain his edge.

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