December 31, 2010

Fearing Edgar

Chad Dotson fears that the Cincinnati Reds will sign Edgar Renteria:

Signing Renteria wouldn’t be a very big deal if, as Jocketty stated, he were just a backup infielder. Those aren’t the signings I get worked up about (even if I’m not certain he’d be any better than Zack Cozart at this point in his career). Raise your hand, however, if you think Dusty Baker will start Paul Janish over Renteria on a regular basis. Anyone?

Looking at Edgar’s value over the last few years, if the Reds can get him for $3 million a season, it would be a good deal. I agree, however, that Renteria doesn’t really address the problem at shortstop. Janish is better defensively than offensively, so the Reds would be better off getting either a backup who can hit some, or one who is a super glove man. At this point, Renteria is neither.

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