January 13, 2011

Fixing Max

R.J. Anderson raises a question about the Max Scherzer trade:

Scherzer has since changed his mechanics and produced at a ridiculously high level from that point on. Whether he would have received the same adjustments within the Arizona system is up to anyone’s guess. My inclination is to write no, otherwise that tinkering would have occurred at some time during his developmental process.

The only problem with that line of reasoning is that Scherzer fixed the problem himself:

They told a story about how Scherzer was trying to figure out his problem this season, and was watching video to try to see if his mechanics were off. He discovered a flaw, and went to tell his coaches when he received word he was being sent to the minors. Instead of fighting the demotion, he took it as an opportunity to work on the flaw, and struck out 17 in 15 innings over two starts. He hasn’t been perfect since returning, but his strikeouts are through the roof.

Since Max was motivated to fix his own problems in Detroit, he would likely have been motivated to do the same in Arizona.

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