January 15, 2011

Pujols Strategy

With Albert Pujols setting the end of spring training as a deadline for a contract extension, what strategies will the team and the player employ in working for a contract? I suppose it may have to do with which side wants Albert to stay in St. Louis more. With Derek Jeter, the Yankees wanted him to make an opening bid, but he refused. When the player makes the first offer, he opens himself up for criticism if it is too large.

What would the Cardinals offer? Should they assume a home town discount, or try to blow Albert away? One thing the Cardinals should do is at least make their offer at least the highest in terms of per year dollars, something like seven years, $210 million. That way, if the negotiations don’t work out, the Cardinals can at least say they made an excellent offer.

2 thoughts on “Pujols Strategy

  1. pft

    They should offer 7 years and 180 million, with a 20 million option for an 8th year. The Red Sox and Yankees will not be in the running so I think only Texas or the Mets could afford Pujols if he becomes a FA, and neither place would be attractive places for Pujols.

  2. David Pinto Post author

    @pft: It is a mistake to think that the Yankees or Red Sox will not be in the running. Either of those teams might pay him a ton of money to be their DH. Remember, too, that Adrian Gonzalez is not signed yet.


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