March 22, 2011

Singing the Game

The Greatest Game in the World presents 22 songs by the The Thrill Building, all on the subject of baseball. Their Nashville roots shine as the songs combine country and soft rock as they sing about every aspect of the game. Songs cover people in the game from the hot dog vendor (“Hog Dog Man”) to the front office (“Roland Hemond”). “I’m Just a Baseball” gives us the view of the ball as it’s pitched and hit. Even online baseball forums get a tune (“The Forum”).

The song I liked the best painted a picture of what it’s like for a batter to get the perfect pitch (“I’m Gonna Hit It”). It describes how the batter sees the ball, how he imagines it will sail out of the park, how the outfielder will be crushed that his leap will fall short. If you’ve ever seen a batter’s eyes light up when he got his pitch, you’ll get this song.

Mostly, however, the songs are a pleasant distraction. It’s a nice CD to pop into the care on a long drive. There a certain 80’s movies theme song feel to a lot of these. Then again, I can’t think of a better way to get into a baseball mood on my way to a game.

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