April 27, 2011

Gossip Column

Two stories landed in my in-box from TMC. In the first, a major league coach is accused of making gay slurs at a ball game. There will be a news conference at 1 PM PDT today. In the second, the McCourts stiffed their hairdresser:

In a dramatic lawsuit, hairdresser David Mackey claims the McCourts put him on a $300-a-day retainer to perform home hair services for the family. The suit claims Jamie and Frank guaranteed 300 bucks a day, whether Mackey cut their hair or not.

According to the suit, Frank and Jamie stiffed him for a two month period — running from November 25, 2008 to January 15, 2009.

Money for nothing…

5 thoughts on “Gossip Column

  1. Plank

    Any guesses on who it is? The press conference is in LA, so I would say either Mattingly or Scioscia. Of those two, I would guess the rookie manager would be more likely to pull a boneheaded move than the two time manager of the year.

    I’d put the odds of whoever it is getting fired within 10 days at well over 50%.

  2. rbj

    @Plank, first, its’ Gloria Allred, which gives it a 90% discount right off the bat. She’s a publicity seeker first and foremost, a discredit to ambulance chasers everywhere 9to say nothing about lawyers.)

    Second, it’s coach, not manager. If either Mattingly or Scioscia popped out of the dugout, bat in hand, the story would be getting more play. More likely it’s a first base coach. And I am of the opinion that every ML 1st or 3rd base coach went to games as a kid.

  3. Plank


    Are you saying you don’t believe the allegations because Allred is involved, or because every 1st and 3rd base coach went to games when they were a kid?

    Or am I misunderstanding your position? It sounds like you already don’t believe it.

  4. rbj

    @plank, Allred has a history of making big claims, then not following up. So yeah, without other information I don’t believe her.

    And what person in ML baseball doesn’t want kids at the games. They are paying customers, so you’ve got ticket sales, concessions, and souvenirs. Which go towards paying the coach’s salary.

    Could a coach who was being heckled, perhaps, said something bad? Sure. Even using a gay slur. But Allred has a habit (career) of making a mountain out of a molehill.

  5. Laz

    I have know David Mackey for 17 years and I know he would not lie. This man has styled everyone from Pavarotti to JP Dejoria also kings and queens. the McCrooks are thieves and must pay up


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