August 23, 2011

Weaver’s Own Deal

Jered Weaver says he left money on the table, not taking advice from his agent Scott Boras:

Jered Weaver admits he had to go against the advice of agent Scott Boras before agreeing to the Los Angeles Angels’ five-year, $85 million contract extension, but he said the lure of staying home outweighed the seduction of greater riches.

“If $85 (million) is not enough to take care of my family and other generations of families then I’m pretty stupid, but how much money do you really need in life?” Weaver said Tuesday. “I’ve never played this game for the money. I played it for the love and the competitive part of it. It just so happens that baseball’s going to be taking care of me for the rest of my life.”

I guess this helps the Angels pay for Vernon Wells. 🙂

I wonder if the union is a little miffed at Weaver as well. They like players to earn as much money as possible to keep driving up salaries.

Good for Weaver, however, to play where he wanted. There’s a lot to be said for doing what you love where you enjoy living.

6 thoughts on “Weaver’s Own Deal

  1. rbj

    Of course you play the game for the money. If you are totally disinterested in money, be a kindergarten teacher. And I’m a free market capitalist, there’s nothing wrong with training and sweating hard for the big bucks.

    But Weaver does seem to have his head screwed on right, getting millions but leaving a few million on the table to stay with family. And to recognize the need to husband the money for future generations.

  2. Luis

    I am quite impressed with Weaver as a pitcher AND as a person. Bravo for him doing what he wants and understanding that money is not everything.

  3. Devon Young

    Jered Weaver just became one of my favorite players. You just can’t help but love a guy who takes less than the max & then says he’s never played for the money but for the love of the game. Jered Weaver FTW.

  4. James

    rbj, maybe he’s better at baseball, than at teaching kindergarten — and maybe he likes it more, too, huh?


    I agree, smart guy. If you love LA, why on earth would you take $100 million to play in Chicago rather than $85 million to play in LA? I never understood that. Once you have that much money, to me, nothing you could possibly want to buy could make as big an impact on your quality of life than living where you want to live.

  5. baycommuter

    Good for Weaver. Most players don’t understand the concept of the diminishing marginal value of money.

  6. M. Scott Eiland

    *smirks* This, along with ARod deciding to throw Boras under the bus after his blunder of opening up ARod’s contract in the midst of the World Series, is a nice pile of sweet, sweet schadenfreude as righteous vengeance for that f***ing despicable Darren Dreifort contract with the Dodgers. Rot in agony over millions in lost commissions, you b***ard!!!


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