September 30, 2011

Francona to Leave?

Ken Rosenthal reports that Terry Francona and the Red Sox will part ways:

While Francona’s departure is not certain, it is the likely outcome, in part because he is pressing for a resolution, sources say. He would not be fired; the Red Sox would simply decline their club options on him for 2012 and ’13.

I find this strange. The Red Sox collapse was due to age and injuries, something that has more to do with roster construction than on-field management. Theo Epstein even noted that, “All of us collectively look at it as a failure. I’m the general manager, so I take more responsibility than anybody.” The only thing I thought was odd with Francona this season was the way he seemed to give up on Carl Crawford early. This was the manager who stuck with Dustin Pedroia when he had a terrible first month in the majors, but dropped Crawford to seventh in the order after two games. Whatever funk Carl fell into, Francona didn’t seem to be able to bring him out.

I like Terry Francona. He appears to be an intelligent manager who uses statistics properly. He manages his personnel well, and always seems to have his back. I don’t remember him ever saying a bad word about Manny Ramirez during all the time Manny didn’t hustle, and even when his relationship with the team fell apart. Plus, how many Red Sox managers won two World Series titles? Unless there is really something specific that Francona did or didn’t do this season that caused them to lose, firing Terry doesn’t seem right.

7 thoughts on “Francona to Leave?

  1. Devon Forrest Young

    I 2nd that. When I read it (lying awake at 4a for no apparent reason), I was confused. I was sure it was just overblown rumour. Maybe it’s a total PR move? It’s certainly not much of a baseball move.

  2. Ed

    According to Wikipedia, which I just checked, Bill Carrigan won two World Championships while managing the Red Sox.

    I agree with the rest of the post, I think that Francona is underrated as a manager, because he is relatively unflamboyant. The last two years they’ve done about as well as could be expected with an aging team.

  3. rbj

    Yeah, “not” fire the first manager to win you a WS titile in 86 years simply because Carl Crawford couldn’t hold onto the ball.

    I hope the Red Sox don’t win for another 86 years. Mostly because I’m a Yankees fan.

  4. James

    Ed, I don’t think Carrigan is available.

    I wonder who is.

    I agree that it’s not a smart move to dump Tito, but on the other hand I believe he would have had a difficult time in 2012. And frankly it won’t make a huge difference to the success of the team. (Unless there’s a Francona curse, of course.)

    I’ve also heard rumors that Epstein will leave (for the Cubs). Now that would be very bad for the Red Sox’ future.


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