October 11, 2011

Playoffs Today

The ALCS moves to Detroit in as close to a non-elimination must game as there is for the Tigers. Detroit’s rotation gave them the best chances to win in games one, three, five, and seven. After rain chased their ace early in game one and a lack of timely hitting helped them lose game two, they can ill afford for their ace number two starter, Doug Fister, to fail. Colby Lewis opposes him as the series moves to Detroit.

Lewis returned to the majors last season as a starter after a two-year absence and pitched very well. He pitched 201 innings with 196 strikeouts, and finished with good walk and home run rates. This season saw a drop in his K rate, and an increase in his hits allowed (in just 2/3 fewer innings). His walk rate dropped a bit, but his home runs soared from 21 to 35 allowed. Those 14 extra homers accounted for much of his 13 more runs allowed.

Most of his home run trouble came at home, however. He only allowed 13 of his 35 home runs on the road. The Tigers hit five home runs against him, but four of those came in Arlington. Even without the homers, he did not fare well against Detroit in any venue.

Fister has mixed success against Texas in his career. His first start against the Rangers was in Texas, but since then avoided pitching to them in that ballpark. He’s 2-3 against the Rangers, but with three quality starts mixed in. His last, with Detroit, was interesting as he last seven innings, neither walking, hitting, nor striking out a batter. Putting every ball in play, the Rangers went 8 for 29 and scored three runs.


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