October 14, 2011

McGwire’s Philosophy

Mark McGwire talks about his philosophy as a hitting coach:

“Most young hitters today think every problem that they have hitting is a mechanical or physical thing, when it’s usually a mental thing,” he added. “If you’re trying to swing at pitches you can’t hit, you think there’s something wrong with you mechanically. Their mind’s going to the mechanics when it’s one little simple thing.

“So I try to have them understand, there are balls you can’t hit no matter how great you are. Everybody has a weakness. As soon as you understand that, you can switch it mentally.”

McGwire credits the change in his mental approach to reviving his career after a poor 1991. Some people may differ with him on that. 🙂 Needless to say, it’s an interesting approach. If you get players to reach pitches properly, the mechanics are there to hit it.

2 thoughts on “McGwire’s Philosophy

  1. Sean Hackbarth

    This makes sense. Knowing what not to hit increases your chances of hitting the ball.

  2. Lewis Spring

    Mark McGuire was a great hitter who belongs in the Hall of Fame. He is also a great hitting coach, just look at what St. Louis has done this year; but, the most hypocritical group in America,the Baseball writers, will never let him in. I say investigate the writers.


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