January 17, 2012

Ludwick to the Reds

The Reds signed Ryan Ludwick to a one-year contract, and Redleg Nation is not impressed:

File this under “It could be worse”: Best thing about Ryan Ludwick is that he doesn’t spell his name “J-u-a-n P-i-e-r-r-e” or “R-i-c-k A-n-k-i-e-l.”

Ryan Ludwick’s career certainly seems to be fading as he ages into his early 30s. Teams may remember his outstanding 2008, which he hasn’t come close to repeating. Jocketty did bring Ryan to the Cardinals in 2007, although Walt was gone when Ryan had his great season. Maybe the Reds GM thinks lightning can strike twice.

On the other hand, the contract is inexpensive, so there’s not much downside here.

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