February 8, 2012


It’s seems the city of Oakland can’t play money ball:

The state take-back of redevelopment money has forced the city to abandon plans for a waterfront ballpark — the linchpin of efforts to keep the A’s in Oakland.

“We are no longer advocating for Victory Court,” Gregory Hunter, head of the soon-to-be-dissolved Oakland Redevelopment Agency, said Monday during a meeting of the Alameda County supervisors.

The city can no longer afford Victory Court without redevelopment dollars, Hunter said.

That means the focus is solely on revamping the O.co Coliseum complex with retail, restaurants, hotels and new sports facilities for the Raiders and Warriors.

Unfortunately, the city may not have the money to do the environmental impact study on the Coliseum area, due to accounting shenanigans.

Hat tip, The Hardball Times.

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