February 25, 2012

Chances Are

Manny Ramirez talks about second chances:

“God has given me a second chance and I’m not going to waste it,” Ramirez, who is on his third or fourth chance, told ESPN Deportes. “My arrival in Oakland is not a coincidence, it’s a God-incidence.”

Which brings up something I’ve wondered about. Is a second second chance a third chance or a fourth chance? After the first second chance, is the slate wiped clean, so the next chance is just a chance, and the chance after that is the second second chance? Or does the second second chance follow immediately after the second chance, making it in fact a third chance? Why do we stop numbering chances at two? Can’t someone have an infinite number of chances? I suspect that after two chances, a person pretty much blew it, so it’s better to give someone a second second chance than an nth chance.

Scotty sums up the argument well:

And a little Johnny.

2 thoughts on “Chances Are

  1. MSE

    If he could still rake, I’d say Manny deserves at least as many chances as, say, Milton Bradley has received in spite of being such a bad teammate that a plurality of his ex-teammates would probably laugh if they noticed he was on fire. Problem is, available evidence says that he’s done–I’d sooner give piles of cash to Juan Pierre at this point.

  2. Ed

    Remind me how Manny “blew it”? Steroids? Attitude problem? He hasn’t been exactly alone with either failing.


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