March 12, 2012

The Nationals Go to 11

Brad Lidge is exaggerating just a tad. He said that the Nationals are “probably the most talented team I’ve been on.”

Including, of course, the 2008 Phillies that won the World Series thanks in large part to Lidge’s dominance in the ninth inning.

And also the 2009 Phillies that won the NL pennant. Or the 2010 Phillies that won 97 games. Or the 2011 Phillies that won 102 games.

Going back further, he was on the 2005 Astros that won the NL pennant and … well, you get the idea.

I’m sure Nationals fans are happy to hear the optimism.

1 thought on “The Nationals Go to 11

  1. Scooter

    I suspect that he (and Davey Johnson, who says similar things) is making a distinction between “good” and “talented” — because “talented” can refer largely to the young players’ potential to be good.

    Also, spring optimism, but that part’s obvious.


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