April 21, 2012

Quite a Third Game

A friend of a friend sends this picture of his son, taken at Saturday’s White Sox Mariners game:

This young man saw a perfect game in his third major league game.

This young man saw a perfect game in his third major league game.

His father writes:

I’m a 15 year season ticket holder of the M’s (despite living the last 8 in New Haven–where I became friends with Jim).

I tried to give my 7 year old son Harry an appreciation of the historical import of what he had witnessed.

I certainly never expected to be there for a perfect game (though I’ve been hoping for a no hitter, of course). And my son gets one at his third MLB game ever.

Lucky child.

2 thoughts on “Quite a Third Game

  1. jrs

    I have never witnessed a perfect game, no hitter, or record breaking strike out performance. My own son did strike out 7 batters in a row (one of whom was Scott Van Slyke, current Dodger minor leaguer) when he played American Legion ball. He was a “Legion Legend” for a few summers, until someone struck out eight in a row.

    It’s why I love baseball. You never know when you are going to witness greatness.


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