April 30, 2012

Interleague Rethink

I applaud this thought:

Major League Baseball is working on a scheduling reconfiguration for the 2013 season and beyond that likely will eliminate the Mets and Yankees as well as other “natural rivals” playing home-and-home, six-game series annually, baseball sources told ESPNNewYork.com.

With the Houston Astros moving to the American League West next season and the leagues becoming balanced at 15 teams apiece, natural rivals throughout baseball no longer will be guaranteed six games a season and home-and-home series, the sources said.

That’s fine with me. I always thought that one series a year was better, since it kept fans wanting more.

5 thoughts on “Interleague Rethink

  1. Devon

    I really hope they go through with this. Less inter-league play will definitely be a good thing. I know they get lots of money through the gates for those games, but I think it’s overdone nowadays.

  2. Joseph J. Finn

    Really? They’re worried about this instead of fixing horrible ideas like the play-in game coming this season and the National Leagues exemption from modern baseball rules, as well as the lack of instant replay?

  3. E

    Interleague seems little different than having spring training games count in the standings. Like shooting down ME-109s over Germany and getting credit for kills in the South Pacific.

    The logical move would have been to expand by two teams and instituting the dh in the NL. Greed prevents that. Selig’s owners do not want to dilute any of the existing revenue sharing while expansion teams come up to speed

  4. rbj

    Good. I’m sick of 6 game against the Mets. 3 keeps it special. Plus, with 2 15 team leagues there’s alwAys going to be an interleague game.

  5. Roger L. Mills

    This is the one thing the NFL gets right. Translated, each team plays so many games against teams in their division, so many games against the other NL teams, and then one AL division every year. The Cubs can play the White Sox once every three years this way. That’s enough.


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