March 23, 2013

Pledge Drive Update

Twenty one people donated a total of $900 dollars over the first twenty one days of the Baseball Musings Pledge Drive. Won’t you join them?

Since 2005, I’ve asked for readers to support the site with a donation. Since I’ve needed to scale back my work here due to taking a full time job, I thought that scaling back the pledge drive would be appropriate. The main cost of running the site is the data for the Day by Day Database. If you are a user of that tool, please consider an update to help defray the cost.

Larger donations earn you a premium. For a donation of $50, you will be able to dedicate a post. The dedication should be in good taste and may contain a hyperlink. For a contribution of $500, you can join Peter Gammons and Jack Spellman as a Patron on the side bar for two years, including a hyperlink.

Donations can be made via PayPal. Unfortunately, other donations providers have gone out of business or charge too much money in fees. If you refuse to use Pay Pal but still wish to donate, please contact me and I’ll provide an address for a check. My email is

Thank you for your help!

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