April 20, 2013

Steal of the Century

Jean Segura has no idea how to run the bases.

The most important lesson baseball fans should learn is that you haven’t seen it all and you likely never will. Understand the lesson and accept it because just when you think you have seen it all on a baseball field, something like Jean Segura’s baserunning adventure during Friday’s night Brewers-Cubs game at Miller Park happens, and then you attempt to convince yourself again at that very moment that now you’ve seen it all.

You’ll still be wrong. Trust me.

Back in the 1990s I wrote software for STATS, Inc. that their reporters used to score games. I’m pretty sure that play would have broken it. I don’t think I allowed backward advancement.

4 thoughts on “Steal of the Century

  1. rbj

    IIRC, there was an instance in the 1970s, in an otherwise meaningless game, where a player got on first, stole second, and then stole first. There was no rule against it at the time, which is why 7.08(i) was put in place.

  2. Theron

    You’re right about the software. My dad was the pressbox reporter for STATS at the game and couldn’t get it to accept what happened.


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