May 23, 2013

Biblical Transactions

Jesus Montero is dying for his sins, while Jesus Sucre rises.

The general idea here is simple. Jesus Montero has been a bad hitter and he has been a bad catcher. Now he will begin the process of forgetting everything he’s learned about catching, so as to better focus on the hitting part. In Tacoma, it’s expected that Montero will DH and play first base, and so while I’m sure this is a shot to his pride, having been a backstop for so long and all, demotions are humbling and all of Montero’s big-league plate appearances are humbling, too. He’s been a top prospect on account of his bat. One could consider this a move on the Mariners’ part to shine a spotlight on that, only. People have seen this coming for years. Maybe not the bit where Montero gets demoted, but definitely the bit where he doesn’t catch anymore.

Despite the injury to Michael Pineda, there’s still a shot the Yankees come out on top in this deal.

2 thoughts on “Biblical Transactions

  1. Tom

    You need to go to Confession for that, right away. Although it did remind me of, “Jesus Saves. Espo Scores On the Rebound.”


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