July 25, 2013

Fick Took a Prick (or two)

Former player Robert Fick admits he used steroids twice:

“I’ve tried it,” Fick said. “Two times.”

On both occasions, Fick said he was recovering from a shoulder injury, including a stint in 2000 when he separated his shoulder as a Tiger.

“They called it a third-degree separation,” he said. “I got on some juice and next thing you know, in three or four weeks, I was back in the lineup.”

If players had only used these drugs to get back from injuries quickly, we may not have seen the outrage that exists today. It’s worth the read to see that Fick thinks the game is much cleaner than it was back when he was playing.

2 thoughts on “Fick Took a Prick (or two)

  1. pft

    I find it interesting to hear players who are out of the game say they think it is cleaner (or otherwise) when guys like Schilling claim that even when they were in the game they had no idea who was using.


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