July 28, 2013

Foot Fault

Albert Pujols may miss the rest of the season:

According to beat writer Mike DiGiovanna of the Los Angeles Times, the first baseman (err, designated hitter) was diagnosed Sunday with a partial tear of the plantar fascia in his left foot and has been placed on the 15-day disabled list. There is no timetable for his return, and it’s possible that he is done for the year.

The Angels are pretty much out of it at this point, so there is no reason for Albert to try to play through the injury.

2 thoughts on “Foot Fault

  1. Devon

    Good! I think he’s playing through some injuries ever since he came to Anaheim. I could be wrong, but whatever the case… he could use some extra time to heal up & prep for next year. Like a reboot.

  2. pft

    Frankly, he should have been shut down long before. The tear was inevitable, and he was not much of a threat at the plate, at least in the few games I saw. Anyone who has ever had this knows how extremely painful it is ( I had to crawl to the bathroom at night) , you just can’t play through it and expect good results, and you risk much more serious injury.

    I believe Longoria is going through something similar, he should at least be moved to DH or will risk the same outcome.


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