August 30, 2013

Death Knell

George King really doesn’t like the Yankees chances down the stretch.

The soon-to-be dethroned defending AL East champions open a 10-game homestand tonight at Yankee Stadium against the Orioles and by the time the Red Sox finish a four-game deal next Sunday, One East 161st Street in The Bronx will be the world’s largest funeral parlor.

Given their injuries this season, the Yankees actually played really well this season. To still be in the wild card race at this point is quite an accomplishment. I suspect many fans will be disappointed if the team doesn’t make the playoffs, but most should be happy with a winning record and a team that performed well despite injuries to their best players.

7 thoughts on “Death Knell

  1. James

    With 29 games to go the Yankees are five games out of the Wild Card and would have to pass three teams to make it. It doesn’t take advanced sabermetrics to figure out that their chances are small.

    Of course, George King III was no friend of the Yankees in 1776, and he’s no friend of them now! :=)

  2. rbj

    Well I didn’t like their chances on opening day. It’s actually been refreshing, with no expectations of a playoff spot since the early 1990s (and even then I wanted them to win the WS) I’ve been able to relax and simply enjoy baseball.

  3. Mark

    Girardi has done an excellent job. It’s too bad the farm is so weak would have been a good time to break in some fresh talent.

  4. pft

    They didnt really play well overall without their best players though, at least not after April when Wells and Hafner unsustainable hot starts wore off.

    From May 15-Aug 7 for example they went 30-42.
    They scored 3.5 RPG, 49 HR in 74 games and a 296 OBP.

    Since Arod came back, along with Soriano and Granderson, the offense has done much better.
    Scoring 4.7 RPG and a 344 OBP and 27 HR in 23 games. They went 13-7 after the CWS series when Arod returned and basically got back in the race.

    With their seasons ace Kuroda struggling, and Cano hampered by a bruised wrist, I am not all that optimistic about their chances. They have to have an awesome homestand, winning 8 of 10 at least.

  5. David Pinto Post author

    Dimelo » I think that’s a given. A-Rod is the George W. Bush of baseball. No matter how far he’s removed from things, it’s still his fault.

    Of course, Bush is also the Bush of baseball, since he used to own the Rangers, but you know what I mean. 🙂


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