October 12, 2013

Spirits of Baseball

Via BBTF, there’s another reason to go to Cooperstown.

Marra said he believes he has hit a home run with a product he calls Abner Doubleday Doubleplay Vodka. “My friend in Albany thinks it’s so good that it will be a national brand within 24 months,” said Marra, who apparently knows something about marketing.

The man who grew up just two blocks away from Yankee Stadium and worked as a vendor at the House that Ruth Built calls another one of his products “Beanball Bourbon.”

I’d like to find out how the latter micro-whiskey tastes in a Manhattan.

3 thoughts on “Spirits of Baseball

  1. James

    Hm. Well, the bourbon comes from Cooperstown and the distiller comes from the Bronx. So, sure, you can probably taste it in a Manhattan, but be sure you stay in the far right lane on the Triboro or you’re going to end up with a Long Island Iced Tea.

  2. James

    Also, if you happen to meet Jorge Posada and hoist a few with him, you want to be careful not to get too much Rye in the Catcher.


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