Tag Archives: Pat Hoberg

June 14, 2024

Umpire Scandal

Reports indicate that MLB discipled umpire Pat Hoberg for gambling:

In the statement, MLB said: “During this year’s Spring Training, Major League Baseball commenced an investigation regarding a potential violation of MLB’s sports betting policies by Umpire Pat Hoberg. Mr. Hoberg was removed from the field during the pendency of that investigation. While MLB’s investigation did not find any evidence that games worked by Mr. Hoberg were compromised or manipulated in any way, MLB determined that discipline was warranted. Mr. Hoberg has chosen to appeal that determination. Therefore, we cannot comment further until the appeal process is concluded.”


Hoberg is considered the best ball-strike umpire in the game.

Many years ago one of the Baseball Tonight producers and I had a discussion about how games might be fixed. The producer thought it would be done by paying game officials. My feeling at the time was there was no real need for fixing games. Bookies were very good at setting the odds so that fans would bet evenly on the two teams, and therefore no matter the outcome, the bookies would make money on the vig. Of course the producer turned out to me more right than I was.