March 7, 2012

Pledge Drive Update

The Baseball Musings Pledge Drive continues with eleven readers donating a total of $775 during the first five days. Special thanks to Jack Spellman who renewed his patron status with a $500 pledge.

Won’t you join them? If you like series like the review of team changes or Objective PMR, think about sending a few dollars via PayPal. If you like the Lineup Analysis series that started yesterday, why not support that research? Those donations also help keep the Day by Day Database (complete logs back to 1957), up to date.

According to Google Analytics, 1800 people have visited this site at least 50 times in March. To all those power users, isn’t the information here worth $10 a year? Any amount is fine. If every individual who visits this site in March gives $1, Baseball Musings can be written full time for a year. If everyone donated $10, the money raised would sustain this site indefinitely.

Larger donations earn you a premium. For a donation of $50, you will be able to dedicate a post. The dedication should be in good taste and may contain a hyperlink. For a contribution of $500, you can join Peter Gammons and Jack Spellman as a Patron on the side bar for two years, including a hyperlink.

Donations can be made via PayPal. Unfortunately, other donations providers have gone out of business or charge too much money in fees. If you refuse to use Pay Pal but still wish to donate, please contact me and I’ll provide an address for a check. My email is

Thanks again to everyone who helped make this site a success by reading, commenting on and recommending the site. With your monetary support, Baseball Musings can continue to bring you a fresh perspective on the game and explore new ways of presenting information about the national pastime. Be part of the second decade of Baseball Musings by making a generous donation today.

1 thought on “Pledge Drive Update

  1. Pingback: Team Offense, Texas Rangers – Get the latest MLB baseball news, scores, stats, standings, fantasy games, and more

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