August 19, 2010

Protection Racket

Thank goodness for Murray Chass. He recognizes WADA for what it is:

Do you remember how when you were younger you saw gangster movies (Edward G. Robinson, George Raft), where the bad guys ran protection rackets, forcing businesses to pay for their protection or face having their stores torched?

That’s the image I have of WADA and its brother United States gang, USADA. Do it our way (and pay us for doing it our way) or face public recriminations. Dr. Gary Wadler comes across as the George Raft character.

An internist and member of the New York University medical school faculty, Wadler is the most widely quoted steroids “expert.” But every time he speaks, he commits a conflict of interest because he is an official with WADA, which is in the business of making money for advising leagues and organizations and overseeing their testing programs.

Thanks, Murray, for confirming what I felt for a long time.

(People Chass’s age get the George Raft reference. People my age would think of Al Pacino and Robert Duvall.)

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